At YogaEarthLove you'll be supported to find what brings you joy and ease in your world…

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To create a space that allows you to connect to your own innate knowing, the natural rhythm of your breath, intuitive movement and the opportunity to release old patterns and beliefs that no longer support you.

Through our practice, we can create a sense of belonging that comes from within... and ultimately connects us all as a whole, to each other and the natural world around us.

Kate Robinson

Hello, I’m Kate…

Yoga may have come and gone from my world over the years but it’s always felt like coming home…

When I decided to make it a daily practice, for the first time in my life I felt I was able to slow down enough to be able to listen to my Dharma (heart's calling), this evolved into completing my teacher training, and slowly YogaEarthLove started to bloom.

Through my multitude of training and experience, I have melded together my learnings to create my own intuitive heartfelt offerings...

At YogaEarthLove, we explore yoga, movement-based therapy, massages and aromatherapy.

- Kate xx

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Our Intuitive Experiences…

YogaEarthLove offerings are based around the 5-element theory in traditional Chinese medicine. Earth, Metal, Water, Wood and Fire, each element has organs, associated emotions and lines of energy (Meridians) connected to them. We can work these organs and energy lines, to help release stuck/stagnate and blocked energy/emotions in our bodies. 

Working with this modality allows us to cultivate a relationship with ourselves, to be comfortable with some uncomfortability… without becoming overwhelmed, gripping or holding on. 

Over time, with practice and an open heart, we become more aware of what is felt in the body and mind, we can sit with ourselves.

We become curious and open, trusting that we can hold space for all that is felt…and gently, with time, space and our beautiful breathe, we can heal, let go and move forward with strength and fluidity.

Explore the therapies and experiences…

Kate Robinson | Yoga | Yoga Massage | Massage | Bendigo Yoga


At YogaEarthLove you will be guided in your yoga class to connect to your breath, which will support your movement and ability to develop your own sense of self.

Our classes support you to create more balance and harmony within yourself, on the mat and out in your world. Join us in our Yin Yoga, Yang/Yin Flow, Gentle Flow and ZenThai Flow classes.

Kate Robinson | Yoga | Yoga Massage | Massage | Bendigo Yoga

Yoga Massage

Yoga Massage is a delicious practice that combines, yin yoga postures, supported with props, with hands on massages and healing from qualified massage therapists.

It’s an opportunity to dive deep into your quite spaciousness, to release tensions and stagnation. The hands-on massage/healing allows for a deeper surrendering into each posture. Based around Traditional Chinese Medicine, 5 element theory. Working with Earth, Metal, Water, Wood and Fire… and their related organs/lines of energy and emotions.

Kate Robinson | Yoga | Yoga Massage | Massage | Bendigo Yoga


The massages offered at YogaEarthLove provide a somatic (embodied movement) practice that enable you to shift and move stagnant and stale energy.

Our 1:1 sessions support you to recalibrate on a cellular level, allowing for gentleness and ease to flow through your being and out into your world. Book your Zenthai Shiatsu Massage or Traditional Balinese Massage today.

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Doterra Oil Rollers

Blends or single oil rollers that can ease mind and bring a beautiful settling from within…

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Yoga for employee wellbeing

Self care yoga for staff with a particular focus on workplaces that support the vulnerable in our community…

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A quiet space where you can settle deeply into your inner knowing…